Section I of the course provides introductory information. Section I includes the

presentation of the “guiding principles” we use in presenting information, as well as the

articulation of specific learning objectives. In Section II, we present an introduction to

ways of thinking about data and make the distinction between two basic types of data:

quantitative and qualitative. Section III outlines information that we hope will assist

program staff understand how to conceptualize data collection and its analysis as a

process. In Section IV we discuss management considerations that should be addressed

in order to gather and analysis data in an efficient and effective way in your program. We

present a framework for managing the process of data collection and analysis. Because

using data for program purposes is a complex undertaking it calls for a process that is

both systematic and organized over time.

In Section V of the course we examine data analysis using examples of data from

each of the Head Start content areas. We explore examples of how data analysis could be

done. We identify and describe trends in data that programs collect. Finally, we offer a

perspective of how data lends itself to different levels of analysis: for example, granteewide,

by delegate agency, and/or center- or classroom-level. Our intent is to demonstrate

how the different analytical procedures and methods can be powerful and effective tools

for MSHS managers. Specific procedures and methods of data analysis are discussed with

clear ways of using and working with data in order to identify results. Here, procedures

and methods for working with both quantitative and qualitative data are presented.